Our Purpose

Launched in 2016, Grantmakers for Thriving Youth is a funders’ forum promoting equitable systems, structures, and opportunities for a comprehensive approach to learning and development so all young people can build and strengthen the skills and capacities they need to thrive in learning, work, citizenship, and life.

Members of GTY describe their philanthropic investments to support thriving youth in different ways, for example:

  • developing social and emotional skills and capacities;
  • ensuring equitable learning environments and whole child equity;
  • advancing research, policy and practice aligned to the science of learning and development;
  • fostering spiritual and character virtue development;
  • supporting physical, mental, social and emotional health;
  • and strengthening child and family wellbeing.

Photo credit: David Choute via
Boston After School & Beyond

Our shared principles and commitment to equity anchor our work to build a robust, coordinated and collaborative network of philanthropic organizations investing throughout our education and youth development ecosystems to support thriving youth.

Photo credit: All4Ed.org / license

Our Work

GTY pursues three major strategies:


GTY’s learning community welcomes grantmakers and other stakeholders to attend periodic virtual events to foster continuous learning on research, practice, narrative and policy issues related to thriving youth.


GTY members have built a vibrant and supportive network of grantmakers dedicated to thriving youth. GTY prioritizes relationships and connections—understanding that relational trust among grantmakers is critical to advance effective and collaborative philanthropy supporting youth.


Through GTY workgroups, members engage in focused learning and collaborative action around specific topics.



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