Our Principles

GTY strives to improve and expand philanthropy focused on advancing equitable education and youth development ecosystems so all youth can thrive. GTY’s work is rooted in the following principles:

Academic, social, and emotional learning are inseparable.

Positive learning environments and experiences and relationships with adults and peers are critical to the successful development of skills and capacities needed to thrive.

Persistent inequities deeply rooted in systems deny young people of color and those living in poverty access to high quality, engaging and relevant learning environments.

Philanthropy can better leverage its resources and influence to advance practices, policies and research that center equity and the science of learning and development to ensure all youth access the environments and relationships they need to thrive to their fullest potential.

The voices and lived experiences of young people and their families and those closest to the work—teachers, youthworkers and others—should inform philanthropic practice.



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