
About GTY

GTY is a dynamic, supportive community of funders continually exploring how to leverage their organizations’ resources and influence to support young people to thrive. Intentionally designed as a ‘big tent,’ GTY’s community includes a diverse range of grantmakers with a range of focal areas, approaches, geographies, and ideologies. Our diversity is a source of strength because we share a commitment to improving our education and youth development ecosystems to support all youth to thrive.

Learn more about our purpose, principles and commitment to equity.

Why Join GTY?

What our members say


GTY welcomes all types of foundations, including private, operating, family, community, corporate giving programs, and individual philanthropists investing a minimum of $50,000 per year to join us. We also welcome regranting organizations or intermediaries for whom grantmaking is a substantial portion of the annual budget. All GTY members are asked to engage with GTY as grantmakers and not use the space to solicit grants.

We ask all potential members to read and affirm alignment with our equity commitment.

Annual Member Contribution

Foundation’s Total Annual Grantmaking BudgetMinimum
Annual Contribution
Up to $2M$5,000
Over $2M – up to $10M$7,500
Over $10M – up to $20M$12,000
Over $20M – up to $30M$15,000
Over $30M – up to $40M$20,000
Over $40M +$30,000

Donor-advised and agency funds are excluded from total annual grantmaking budgets.


Please reach out to Kathleen Traphagen if you have any questions about membership.

Join us

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