
The Promise of Meaning-Based Interventions and Opportunities for Philanthropy

How Meaning-Based Interventions Close Racial Achievement Gaps

Join GTY and Arnold Chandler to learn about meaning-based interventions and how they hold promise in narrowing racial gaps in academic achievement (grades, high school graduation, college enrollment) and behavioral outcomes.

Past Event


September 10, 2024


3-4p ET / noon-1p PT



Meaning-based (vs. skills-based) interventions address stigmatized racial identity and stereotypes by focusing on belonging, self-affirmation, culturally based mentoring, and rites of passage—altering how young people make sense of themselves and their social situations.

Chandler will share research findings detailed in his upcoming report and discuss implications for grantmakers investing in thriving youth.

This program is free and open to grantmakers and others in the thriving youth community. GTY’s webinars and funder learning opportunities are made possible through the time and expertise of presenters from the field. In the spirit of transparency, GTY will make available the list of webinar participants to presenters upon request, unless the registrant requests to remain anonymous (please indicate your preference via the registration form).


Arnold Chandler

President of Forward Change

Arnold Chandler is an advocate, researcher, trainer, and social change strategist who for more than 17 years has helped nonprofits and foundations develop evidence-informed strategies to advance programs and policies focused on social and economic equity. He is the co-founder of Forward Change based in Oakland, California. Recently, he was a Senior Research Associate at the Warren Institute on Law and Social Policy at the U.C. Berkeley School of Law. Before that, he was a research analyst working with a team to reform the Oakland Police Department as part of a federal lawsuit settled in 2001. Prior to that, he was a researcher and policy strategist at PolicyLink for six years. Chandler has authored several important policy analyses and studies in the social justice field as well as advised several nonprofit organizations on the use of Internet tools for supporting advocacy and social change efforts. He has a Bachelor’s degree in Sociology and a M.S. in Information Systems. He lives in Oakland, California, with his wife Janet.

Presented by

Grantmakers for Thriving Youth